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The documents and other works available on the websites, and (collectively “Websites”) are protected by copyright and all rights remain reserved to the rights owner. Except where your use constitutes fair personal use pursuant to article 19 of the Swiss Copyright Act, you may not use, download, copy, print, perform, reproduce, publish, licence, post, transmit or distribute any information from our websites in whole or in part without the express authorization of SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE and/or the right holders in the respective photographic works (as specified on the Imprint Page) used on the Websites.
The information and opinions expressed on the Websites are not intended to be a comprehensive or final description of the topic at issue, nor to provide legal advice, and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning particular individual situations. While we use our best efforts to ensure that the information contained in the Websites is accurate, SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE does not provide any warranties as to its correctness, completeness, suitability or otherwise. SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE shall not be liable or otherwise responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information or the Websites. Moreover, SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE does not assume any responsibility for the external internet sites or content linked to the Websites or which are linked to from them or referred to.
Please note that if you send information to an address of SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE indicated on the Websites or elsewhere, your communication will neither create a contractual relationship with SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE nor cause SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE to be bound by the statutory professional secrecy obligation applicable to attorneys at law, unless SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE has agreed to be your attorney at law in that matter. Therefore, do not send SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE any information that you or anyone else considers to be confidential before SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE has first agreed to be your attorney at law.
Electronic Communication
In general, SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE responds to incoming mail through the electronic communication channel elected by the sender. However, please be aware that sending unencrypted data by e-mail is not safe: e-mails can easily be read, altered and intercepted by unauthorized third parties in the Internet. Therefore, SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE advises against sending confidential and/or sensitive information by e-mail unless it has been properly encrypted. Alternatively, SWISS COFFEE ALLIANCE advises you to use either the IncaMail platform of Swiss Post or the Secure Messaging-platform of PrivaSphere Ltd for sending and receiving secure and verifiable e-mails. With IncaMail and PrivaSphere you can send and receive e-mails just like registered letters (R) securely, conveniently and verifiably without installing further software. Furhtermore, you make sure that only the intended recipient can read the message and – on request – you receive a digitally signed receipt.